Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Even Canadian Wild editor Dave endorses John Manley

by Dave originally posted at http://www.canadianwild.ca/pm.htm

John Manley For PM
For the Canada That The World Needs

"In my vision of 21st century Canada - which I summarize as: Intelligent, Innovative, Inclusive and International - Canada reaches out to the world. We exercise influence. We punch above our weight class."

1. Improved Canada-US Trade Relations

To put it simply a John Manley government would heal relations with the US. He has formed a strong personal relationship with Tom Ridge and Colin Powell. He will heal relations with the US by clearly stating our beliefs not the Alliance way of allowing the US to drag us around by a leash. Also his statesman skills have been used to criticize the US and get us what we want.

2. Stronger Multilateral Presence

Unlike Paul Martin Jr, John Manley wants to continue in the multilateral tradition established by Lester Pearson and Paul Martin Sr. Manley disagrees with Martin's proposal to try to form international ad-hoc councils outside the UN with limited membership. John Manley wants to use the UN as the primary international diplomatic vehicle.

3. Lower University Tuition

John Manley has made lower university tuition one of his key platforms. He believes that we should not limit our growth potential and make university more accessible.

4. Improved Municipalities

Like Martin, Manley realizes that cities are in dire straits. He doesn't want to ignore cities and wants them to help them become greater centers for economic prosperity and human development.

5. Public Accountability

Unlike Martin, John Manley doesn't own a steamship line. Manley believes that Canadians should know who is donating to his election campaign and doesn't believe in secrecy. Also Manley continues to serve as a cabinet minister, and didn't quit his job because the title of finance minister wasn't good enough for him.

6. Able To Lead in an Emergency

Without a doubt John Manley performed better than any other Canadian cabinet minister after 9/11. He said the right things, did the right things, and Canadians were able to return to normality very quickly. He was rewarded for his superior performance with the new title as deputy prime minister of Canada.

7. A Leader Who Will Say the Right Thing

A key reason for his outstanding 9/11 performance is his ability to say the right things at the right thing. Following the catastrophe he addressed parliament by stating that 9/11 was not a random act but a well orchestrated attack that needs multilateral measures to fight this new horror.

8. Eliminate Traffic Gridlocks

Part of his emphasis on municipalities is more funding for transportation. With new funding traffic times will be cut as roads and public service will be improved.

9. Reduce CO2 Emissions

As a member of parliament that voted for the Kyoto accord John Manley views global warming as a serious problem. He wishes to reduce CO2 emissions by targeting fuel emissions and doesn't want to put all the weight on industry.

10. Strong Leadership

Most of all Canadians need a strong leader to lead us into the 21st century. Not a leader that is running to put his name in the history textbook and will retire in three years. John Manley is running for a purpose not for his ego.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget - Will quit when quitting time comes - or when things get a little tough!

See previous Leadership campaign and the Canadian NHL team fiasco!


Thursday, October 13, 2005 6:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's nice knowing i'm not the only one who wants john manley for Prime Minister!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:08:00 PM  

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